You Tube has created a whirlwind of free online backing tracks that tribute acts and Entertainers and
Singers are downloading for their shows, FREE its a great word and is very appealing but here is why you shouldn't get caught in this Trap.
The goal of every Tribute/Singer/Entertainer is to stand out from the rest and although you may be the best act out of your competition having unique backing that creates energy behind what your doing is a must to have.
At Concert Show Tracks we have spent so much time on perfecting the live versions of backing tracks that the big name stars have done to give you that same feeling and help raise your performance to new heights.
Lets Look at Bruno Mars who loves to change up his tracks when he does live performances to wow his crowds with audience participation and dance breaks which you don't get from the original tracks. this is what we recommend all you amazing talented artistes need to do.
You must invest in your career if you believe you have what it takes to have a great career in show business.
Your peers and audience will always see the effort you put into your shows and thats what gets people talking about you and brings your supporters back time and time again.
Please see our video of the difference between a very compressed no energy backing track from YouTube that every Bruno Mars Tribute is downloading to the Concert Show Tracks Live Track with myself singing both of them.
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